Cold rolling is one of the most important processes in cold rolling strip production, and cold rolling mill is the main equipment of cold rolling production. In order to meet the requirements of varieties, specifications, quality and different production scales of cold rolling strip production, the production process of cold rolling strip has undergone a transformation from single sheet to coiled production. With the development of the combined rolling mill from reversible rolling to full continuous rolling and pickling mill, various types and characteristics of cold rolling mills have been formed. In addition to the high temperature and high protection requirements of cold tandem rolling mill, hot tandem rolling mill also has similar working conditions.
Macher proximity sensors can maintain the same stress state at all parts of the proximity switch under alternating cold and hot conditions on the hot rolling equipment of the steel mill. At the same time, Macher proximity sensors can withstand high temperature up to 160 C. The protection level can be adapted to the high temperature water vapor environment on site.